Monday, August 31, 2009

Family Vacation!

Well our first family vacation is done and over with! Nora did fantastic on the long car ride. Better than I ever could have hoped for. We went to stay with my friend Jeff in Connecticut , he has an adorable little townhouse, which the girls broke in right away and were treating like home in no time! We arrived there on Wednesday and just hung out exploring the city and got dinner. Thursday we went by train to NYC. This was so much fun, I have never been before and really enjoyed seeing it. Not sure when I will want to go back, its a bit crazy and expensive but its one of those things you have to do before you die. So i can check that one off my list now! We also went to the beach one day, it was raining and yucky so Nora stayed in the car with Jeff, but I wanted to get Ava out so she could at least see it. I ended up getting some cute pictures of her so it was worth getting a little wet. One our last day there we went and fed some crazy big ducks. Ava LOVES ducks and had a blast doing this! All in all it was a really nice trip and we cant wait to go back again!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Hanging out on the new slide from Grandma and Grandpa!!!

Enjoying some lunch!

We just LOVE her!

Busy, Busy , Busy

That sums up our summer so far, despite the bad weather things have still been busy. We just had a garage sale last weekend and did wonderfully at it, had to get rid of some of the old baby clothes so I can make room for new clothes for the girls! Good theory right?! I have been busy planning my sisters sweet 16 party this Friday. It is going to be a blast! I am in charge of decorating, my favorite thing! Next weekend is Ava Graces 2ND birthday party, time flew for that one arriving. I am no wheres near ready for it! Not even close. Than on the 27Th we leave for a mini family vacation (plus aunt Aleah) to Connecticut, and NYC! I couldn't be more excited for that, we just bought a second stroller so we don't have to lug our HUGE double threw the city! Be prepared for picture overload when we return from that. After that summer is winding down and we mentally prepare for fall, and MY BIRTHDAY, but for now August is here in full force.
Nora is getting so big(to me) but is still such a peanut in size! Her personality is wonderful, she is pulling herself up on things now and crawling(military style) all over the place! It will be a miracle if she doesn't end up with killer run burn on her face by the end the day! I am going to post some recent pictures of Nora next!

Friday, July 10, 2009

More 8 Months Pictures

Seriously, How cute is she!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

8 Months

Sure doesn't seem like 8 months ago I was walking into the operating room to have Nora. Sometimes I am truly astonished at how fast time goes by when you have kids. I try not to think about the future but to simply take each day, each minute as they come. I try to capture each and every moment and memory of Nora at the age she is now, so that when she is 4 i can look back and remember everything about her.
I love how long her eyelashes get when she is all wet in the pool !

I love that Nora has one perfect tiny baby tooth just popping through...
I love the way that she smiles so big her nose scrunches up and her eyes get so small... Happy 8 Months Nora, I love you so much!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First of Many Fourths!

Nora had a wonderful First Fourth of July! We spent the weekend at many different celebrations and she hung in there like a trooper. Never was crabby for one minute! We watched the parade at Aunt Jessicas house with Korys family, and had a wonderful picnic at my parents house on the fourth. The food was great, the company was even better. I love getting together with friends and family! We went to see the fireworks with Korys family, I wasnt sure how Nora would do but as i thought she slept through 99% of them! Ava was great too, see kept pointing to the sky saying "OH MY"! It was adorable. All in all we had a great weekend!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

such a good sport

Nora is still at the age where she is so good at letting me practice pictures on her! I know it will not be like this for long, so I am enjoying it while I can! So for your viewing pleasure My Nora!

I just love her.